Grasroutes Hair colour
- Is this really free of chemicals?
Answer: Yes, it REALLY is… though we don’t claim that all our raw material was grown organically. We also don’t use anything synthetic in this mix, nor pigments or salts of any sort. Only naturally occurring plant material and substances are used in Grasroutes Hair Colour Therapy (HCT); and the inputs are specially chosen for the benefit they offer to hair and scalp.
- Can I add … to Grasroutes Hair Colour Therapy ?
Answer: You are free to experiment and add anything to what we have given, of course, but we are not responsible for the results you get. If you stumble on to anything that improves this, we’d love to know.
- The last bag I used was darker/lighter; this time it is different… why?
Answer: We have some variation from batch to batch, affected by the seasonal variation in the crops of the raw material we use. This can be stabilized with chemicals and pigments, but we do not use them as a matter of policy.
Secondly, please re-read procedure and make sure you are following everything. Most such results are answered by following the correct process, especially making sure that your hair is absolutely clean during application.
Thirdly check if you have changed or added any hair care product to your regimen, including shampoo, hair spray, conditioner, or anything that you may be putting on your hair. Grasroutes HCT is a gentle plant colour and can react with anything to offset the result.
Though our instructions include the time period, some people keep it on for longer because their hair shaft is very thick, or they have overactive sebaceous glands and it takes longer for the colour to penetrate.
- Can you recommend a shampoo that we can use?
Answer: Sorry, but we cannot comment on or track the composition of shampoos in the market. All liquid shampoos, to hold that state of viscous liquidity, have chemicals that will possibly affect you adversely in the short or long term. Avoid the more potent ones with ingredients like sodium laureth/lauryl sulfate, which is a surfactant that is a known carcinogen and can cause liver damage, eye irritation, skin conditions and depression. But there is a long list of chemicals like parabens, fragrances, polysorbates, triclosan, potassium sorbate, dimethicone, phenoxythanol, etc., which are probably just as or more harmful than these. You will do well to research them. If you have the bandwidth, try using natural powder mixes of Ritha, amla, shikakai, and allied herbs to wash your hair, even though it is a little more difficult to use than regular shampoos.
- Is there anything you recommend for the colour to be deeper or stay longer?
Answer: People have used non-refined and non-iodized salt and sugar in the ratio of ½ teaspoon salt, ¼ sugar to half a bag of powder while mixing, with good results. Some have added Activated Charcoal just before mixing in the ratio of ½ teaspoon AC to half a bag of Grasroutes HCT. We cannot add any of these in the mix, since they can attract moisture and spoil the contents early.
Secondly all shampoos leave build up on the hair that inhibit the absorption of the Grasroutes HCT. We recommend you use organic vinegar diluted in water as a last after-rinse. Better still use our leave on Grasroutes Hair Rinse Potion. The Hair Rinse not only takes off build up from your hair, leaving it squeaky clean, but also instills the wonder benefits of certain plants to your hair and scalp, visibly improving conditions like dandruff, eczema, hair fall. For some of you, regular use can lead to gradual grey reversal.
- Can I use Grasroutes Hair Colour Therapy more than once a week?
Answer: You can, with benefit to your hair and scalp health. However, most people grow gray at the roots in about 15 days; so applying it twice a month is usually good for the majority. Some people use Grasroutes HCT every week for the conditioning, hair strengthening and grey reversal benefits. But individual results vary a lot since everyone’s state of internal health is vastly different, as are their nutritional states.
- How much of the powder do I apply?
Answer: It depends both on the length and thickness of your hair. Also, despite having long hair, if you are only doing the roots and a little beyond, you’ll need a lesser quantity than if you are doing a full head mask. But generally, shoulder length hair of medium thickness will require half a bag to give proper coverage.
- Can the two-step Indigo and henna process give darker hair or other brown variations?
Answer: Yes, it can if you know how much of what to use and how. However, it also involves a longer process of two days, as well as presoaking of one set of ingredients and keeping it on for over four hours on your head.
If you want to do the two step-process, please write to us at, and we will pack for you a set of 100 gms indigo and 100 gms of a henna mixed with other herbs to accentuate its colour. That will cost you Rs 500/- plus postage.